An oncology massage is a peaceful and pleasant form of integrative care that complements standard medical treatment. Massage provides a way to increase relaxation and feelings of well-being and hope.

Each customized session is designed to address emotional and physical needs and to lessen the burden of treatment-related side effects. An oncolgy trained massage therapist can provide safe and effective massage at any stage of your cancer journey.

Many people think of massage as a deep and sometimes painful kneading of the muscles. But when talking about massage in the oncology community, it usually means very light, simple touch intended to help you relax and reconnect with your body in a kind, gentle and nurturing way.

Oncology massage addresses the full espectrum of cancer-related issues, including the physical consequences of cancer, side effects of various treatments, and the psychosocial and emotional considerations of care.

Some of the benefits post massage patients felt are:

  • deep relaxation

  • reduced stress and pain

  • improved sleep

  • eased constipation

  • increased alertness and mental clarity

  • reduced lymphedema and swelling

  • reduced anxiety and depression

  • less nausea

  • improved body self-image

The massage session at our studio usually lasts one hour but it will be totally customised to meet your needs.

Only specific oil for oncology patients will be used (without oestrogen) and some reiki techniques might be also offered during the session if desired.

Our towels are always fresh and clean at the highest level but if you are in stage 3 or 4 and would prefer to bring your own towels and pillow, feel free to do it.

The massage is free for all patients in stage 2, 3 and 4. A kind and small donation towards the buying of oil is appreciated if affordable. It is not mandatory by any means. Please, bring your last medical record and allow 48 hours after your last chemo session before having your massage

The price for patients in stage 1 is £40 for one hour. Please, share with your therapist some important information such as the last time you had last medication or chemo/radio session.

To book your appointment, simply call us on 07488523152 Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm.